Established in 1978, CEDAL has developed exceptional experience in various specific fields over 40 years.
Next to the Laboratory – today the heart of the business – the Health Centre was set up in 1995 and in 2000 the same company acquired the prominent companies Chinesport and Medicina dello Sport.
Today we are reorganising the Divisions to offer all users a first-class Service, in line with the quality of the medical treatments provided.
The CEDAL GROUP, a core company and a point of reference in the local community, with a clear vision for growth and development.

Dr. Luigi Recalcati and Prof. Enrico Bollero have been managing the Units at CEDAL since the start back in 1978, joining their respective managerial and medical/scientific skills, in what has proved over the years to be a valuable and winning combination.
The attention paid to the needs of today’s Patients, with multi-specialist clinics on the one hand, a holistic view of well-being of the human body, viewed as the result of a harmonious balance, and finally the possibility of optimising treatment costs, have led to the amalgamation of all operations into one single CEDAL Group.
CEDAL’s speciality fields include cardiovascular diseases, gynaecology, ophthalmology, dermatology, endocrino-metabolic and immune diseases, age-related diseases, rehabilitative medicine and sports medicine.
CEDAL operates in synergy and collaborates with the accredited research institute AUXOLOGICO in Milan, to guarantee easy access to any “second level” (specialised) tests and treatments.